Just Listed Postcard

Just Listed Postcard
This Just Listed postcard is a great tool for showing surrounding neighbors that you are their neighborhood real estate expert. This postcard is 4" x 6", has ample room for property descriptions, and allows for a short bio. Also, this postcard comes in three different color options to match your branding.
Real estate postcard

Getting Started

To complete this postcard you will need two property photos, the property address, and a list of property features and highlights. You will also want your company logo and head shot on file.

Property Photo's

Since this postcard allows for two photos, be sure to pick photos that highlights the best features of the property. Keep in mind that this postcard is a tool for lead generation in addition to marketing your client's property.

Agent's Message

A Just Listed postcard is a great marketing tool for yourself. Therefor, this postcard allows for a large personal photo in addition to a short bio or message. For best practices, write a message letting potential leads know they should use you for their real estate needs.

Finishing Touches

Your final proof will be printed on both sides of a heavy, postcard-style stock. It will then be trimmed to a standard 4" x 6" postcard size.

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